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Roles and Responsibilities

BJP Ladakh

Local leadership

Recognizing his talent and hardwork for Ladakhi people, Phunchok Stanzin was appointed the Bharatiya Janata Party President. Mr Stanzin display great potential and promise for the developed future of the region.

Understanding how the people of Ladakh feel disintegrated due to geographical and cultural regions, Bharatiya Janata Party even makes efforts at personal individual level. BJP MP Rajeev Chandrasekhar awarded 2.5 Lakhs to a Ladakhi boy who saluted Indian Army troops in a viral video.

Allocation of funds

The need for resources is very well recognised by Central government. It allocated a huge sum of Allocates ₹ 5,958 Crore for the development of Ladakh.

Bharatiya Janata Party strives to utilize every rupee for the welfare of current generation and the next.

Recognising the voices

Our honorable Prime Minister Modi recognizes the demands and grievances of Ladakhi people. There has been demand of statehood from local leaders and they seek meetings with the Prime Minister, which is not left unheard by our PM.

Tireless work to balance the demands of people as well as integrity of the whole nation is done by the government. All aspects of geographical importance, cultural preservation, advancement of education, integrity of the nation are taken into account before making any hasty decision.

Bringing Ladakh to central stage

To bring Ladakh in the front pedestal for taking decisions and give its due recognition as an integral part of the nation, central government takes many steps. India even plans G20 events in Ladakh even after protest by China and Pakistan.

This just shows that how central government is clear in its intention to not leave Ladakh behind on the walk of growth and mainstream politics.